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Old 07-03-2012, 01:05 AM
xxkarliexx xxkarliexx is offline

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my boyfriends mom has a bunch of orchids one being i think an oncidium (i'll post pix tomorrow) we were looking at it today and one leaf is real drooped over and the bulbs are real wrinkly. its been in the same holeless pot since christmas 2011 in a moss medium. what do the wrinkles mean?
she also has a phal that all buds that never opened, about 6 are totally dried up and 2 are still green but drooping, also in a moss medium that looks pretty pretty sure none of them have been repotted cause the moss mediums look real old.
another one's stem has another orchid growing out of it? at the top of the stem theres new leaves and new air roots...whats going on with that?
well, those are the ones that stood out to me, all the others' roots look very dry and some arent in pots with holes so i'll just repot all of those and check out the roots. again, i will post pictures tomorrow but any tips now will help lots, THANKS!!!
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Old 07-03-2012, 01:19 AM
silken silken is offline
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Yikes, Sounds like you might have your work cut out for you re-potting! All of those orchids need some air and good drainage, so there is a good possibility of root rot going on. Lack of water due to no healthy roots, or not enough water can cause the bulbs to wrinkle. With some orchids the older bulbs do naturally wrinkle somewhat, but if they are in old moss, I would suspect a root problem.

The first thing to do is get some potting medium. Many people like medium bark, CHC, perlite, charcoal, etc. For Oncidiums a Phals, I like to use a mix of bark and some moss in preferably clear pots with good drainage. But you will hear lots of opinions about potting media and most people just figure out what works best for them. Check the roots and then determine what size pot will work based on how much root there is. It is best to put them in pots that are just large enough for the root system. If you use too large of a pot, the media stays wet for too long and again, root rot sets in. trim away any rotten mushy or hollow roots and leave the healthy firm ones. The Phal will have big fleshy roots and the Oncidium will likely have thinner roots. It sounds like you have a keiki (baby) growing from the stem of the Phal. Some Phals do that. Leave the keiki on the mother until there are 3 inches or more total of healthy root on the baby. Then just cut the spike on either side of the keiki to free it and plant the baby in some moss.

Be sure to post pics when you take the plants out of their pots and we can see the roots and help you decide how they are.
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Old 07-04-2012, 01:06 AM
xxkarliexx xxkarliexx is offline

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and what about the one that has buds that never opened? ive seen orchids bought that obviously need repotting but their blooms at least opened before anything bad starts happening. what could cause that? just another simple case of possible root rot and need of repotting?
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Old 07-04-2012, 01:21 AM
xxkarliexx xxkarliexx is offline

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theres also like 9 dead orchids outside...but one is a dead dendrobium, its's stems are hollow and its got a little bit of grass or something growing out the top? but theres this one inch of dendrobium stem sticking out of it thats solid and green, is there anything i can do with it? and is there any good use for dead orchids? or dead orchid roots?
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Old 07-04-2012, 04:40 PM
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Originally Posted by xxkarliexx View Post
and what about the one that has buds that never opened? ive seen orchids bought that obviously need repotting but their blooms at least opened before anything bad starts happening. what could cause that? just another simple case of possible root rot and need of repotting?
Blooms are a poor indicator of plant health. Just because an orchid blooms doesn't necessarily mean that the plant is as healthy as can be.

One of the possibilities of seeing blooms on an orchid is that the plant just has enough energy in its reserves to push out its reproductive organs. Essentially, it can quite possibly be the orchid's bail out plan during times of extreme crisis - all or nothing into the blooms and seeds when its terminally ill.

The thing you must understand and record permanently in your memory is that a plant's flowers are their reproductive organs (aka genitalia). It's not a matter of "like their genitalia", or "kinda their genitalia", or even "kinda like their genitalia"; flowers are for sex, and they are exactly what I just said they are - plant genitals. Not a very flattering description of them, I know, but it's true.

With orchids, they don't react to certain stimuli on the same time frame that we do.

What I mean is this...

When we touch a hot stove by accident, a fraction of a second goes by before our pain receptors in our fingers relay the pain message to our brains and back. We then react to this stimuli.

Well, with orchids, there is a delay. The roots may have all died out, but the plant still looks as if nothing's happened for nearly two weeks to a month, maybe longer in some cases.

You wanna know if your orchid is doing well, I recommend doing a physical check up of your plant first, starting with the roots/tuberoids/tuberous growths - (I include tuberoids and tuberous growths because most tuberoids and tuberous growths are usually formed out of root stock/root cells). If the roots are fine, then you check the stems/pseudobulbs/corms - (I include corms here because they are usually formed from the same type of cells as stems; and pseudobulbs are included here because they are modified stems). If the stems, pseudobulbs, or corms are fine, then you check the leaves. If the leaves are fine, then you check the buds/blooms.

So again, the strict order of checking for plant health physically the correct way is as follows (starting from #1):

1. roots/tuberoids
2. stems/pseudobulbs/corms
3. leaves
4. buds/blossoms

In the odd case of orchids that are "leafless", the main check point are the roots. These orchids can function mostly on the photosynthetic processes of their roots. Yes, many epiphytical orchids have roots that are capable of photosynthesis - this includes Phals and Oncs. The word "leafless" is in quotes because some of them actually do produce leaves, but they are somewhat poorly formed. Neither will these guys have what are considered true stems. What they have instead of a stem is a microscopic (or macroscopic if you really wanna nitpick) clump of cells concentrated in the center of where the roots originate from called meristematic cells.

Then you check for very basic physiological signs such as plant vigor and how well they can reproduce asexually, and how well they can recover from minor to moderate physical damage or disease (can vary from species to species, individual to individual). This is a matter of getting to know your plants.

Last edited by King_of_orchid_growing:); 07-04-2012 at 11:45 PM..
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Old 07-06-2012, 09:54 PM
xxkarliexx xxkarliexx is offline

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is there anything i can soak the medium in to promote root growth? a lot of their roots dont have a dark green tip, they're just sorta rounded off...does this mean they're not growing or do some phal roots not have that dark green tip??
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Old 07-07-2012, 03:59 PM
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It just means the roots are not in active growth. You're fine.
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Old 07-08-2012, 11:01 PM
xxkarliexx xxkarliexx is offline

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awesome, thank you!
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Old 07-17-2012, 01:43 AM
xxkarliexx xxkarliexx is offline

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Default OK GOT PIX!

#1 is the one with the keiki
GANG OF ORCHIDS NEED HELP!!!!!-20120716_213623-jpg
GANG OF ORCHIDS NEED HELP!!!!!-20120716_213640-jpg
GANG OF ORCHIDS NEED HELP!!!!!-20120716_213632-jpg

#2 looks like two plants in one pot, with what looks like new roots?
GANG OF ORCHIDS NEED HELP!!!!!-20120716_213534-jpg
GANG OF ORCHIDS NEED HELP!!!!!-20120716_213544-jpg

#3 looks like its an oncidium?

GANG OF ORCHIDS NEED HELP!!!!!-20120716_213654-1-jpg

GANG OF ORCHIDS NEED HELP!!!!!-20120716_213654-jpg

suggestions on how to go about repotting these particular ones? how should i go about removing and potting the keiki? and should i seperate or keep the two together?

Last edited by xxkarliexx; 07-17-2012 at 01:53 AM..
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Old 07-17-2012, 03:53 AM
xxkarliexx xxkarliexx is offline

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Originally Posted by xxkarliexx View Post
theres also like 9 dead orchids outside...but one is a dead dendrobium, its's stems are hollow and its got a little bit of grass or something growing out the top? but theres this one inch of dendrobium stem sticking out of it thats solid and green, is there anything i can do with it? and is there any good use for dead orchids? or dead orchid roots?
( maybe not so dead dendrobium)
GANG OF ORCHIDS NEED HELP!!!!!-20120716_220019-jpg
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medium, moss, real, roots, stem, orchids, gang

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