So here is a noid phal I bought over winter. I didn't know what the flower would be at all or even if the plant would live. It loved it's new home though and put out lots of roots and a leaf. I was also rewarded with a spike. After a couple of months waiting for it to grow and the bulbs to mature..this is what I got
Anf finally here is a picture of a Dendro kingianium Sophie I got at our orchid auction for $10!!!
I can't wait to see it in bloom!
You must have mugged someone for that kingianum. That is huge. Way to go girl. The phal has nice color too. I like the contrast between the white and maroon. Very nice. Watch the watering and you'll get lots more flowers next time.
Oh what a pretty phal! I remember my first bloom, the spike took forever to grow and they were agonizingly slow to open. Good on you for giving it the right conditions!