Catteleya Hybrid dropping green leaves, is this normal?
(Aloha Case x Hunting Island) "Hawaii"
I've had this plant for a few months now and it had one big beautiful fragrant flower when I purchased it. It has been doing well even since the flower wilted, but recently has lost 2 leaves. They were fully green when they dropped from the plant. A few weeks back I moved the plant up in the pot because I was worried that the roots were not drying enough in between watering. It is potted in miracle gro orchid mix, which I know isnt great, but was all ive been able to find so far in my town. I generally mist the plant every other day and have it sitting on an improvised humidity tray. It is inside and gets indirect sunlight during the day. Any ideas?
Last edited by wilson79; 06-30-2012 at 10:33 PM..