Does a fresh spike on a Phal mean the old won't bloom again?
Hey all! =)
Just wanted to check... I've been taking as much care as possible with the Phal I received when I started my new job. When he (I call 'em Chuck after the plant from Maniac Mansion) lost the flowers off his first freshly grown spike, I pruned it approximately half a centimeter above a node.
This was about 3-4 months ago. The first and second node "covers" have since turned brown, although the spike itself is a deep green. A few weeks back he started getting another spike, which is now about to bloom. Does this mean the old spike won't be getting any more flowers, or just that it's dormant for now?
Thanks in advance! =)
Edit: Tried to add a photo, but the board won't let me. I reckon I need a few posts under my belt first?
Last edited by Tickolas; 06-27-2012 at 10:54 AM..