Are these new growths? I am trying to learn this zygos anatomy as I go so i just want to identify what these are. one is right next to a new Pbulb and the other is where a recent spike was.
Sooooo just so I clearly understand...these are going to be spikes?! Or like I've read, they may or may not make blooms. I'm a Phal girl so these are new to me too. Thanks a lot.
I think the terminology may have confused. It looks like new pbulb and leaf growth to me. I think what they are saying is that the flower spikes emerge from between a leaf and the pbulb.
I don't have much experience with Zygos-I only have one "Rhein Clown". As Paul said the flower spikes come out between the pbulb & the leaves--for my Zygo the spikes emerge when the leaves are just little nubs. By the time the leaves open, the spikes have been in bloom a while. And they bloom 2 to 3 times a year! To boot it has a wonderful fragrance late morning to early afternoon.