Hey there everyone....I've been happily reading many of the threads on this board and learning so much!! I've seen reference to the use of a stick to help determine the moisture content in orchids....being a newbie, and having killed many plants due to overwatering, I would like to know more about this "stick" or any other methods/practices that can be used to determine how much water to give to my 'chids.....I recently repotted two of my Phals that were in moss, and I was finding that they would remain moist for such a long time...they also began to look odd, so I decided to pull them out and have a look...sure enough they were beginning to rot....I've since put them in the typical orchid mix that you can purchase at Home Depot...Shultz brand....and they seem to be perking back up which is good!!

I also would like to know how much water I should be giving them at one time..when I see that most people are watering once a week, I think I maybe water once every couple of weeks....which leads to believe that each time I water, I'm giving them too much perhaps? I use the typical little green houseplant watering can, and I've been using Shultz Orchid food each time I water, but Im concerned again that Im overfertilizing.....PLUS, I have very hard water and I've been given to understand that hard water is a no no.....
Any advice, suggestions would be most appreciated!!
Thanks again,