Originally Posted by camille1585
Oh Therese, we didn't mean it badly!!! No one was implying that you were an idiot, we were only giving our opinions as to the best course of action. You are NOT an idiot! Everyone, including the most experienced of growers, have problem orchids, and go through their ups and downs during their orchid journey. Many people (me included) have trouble resisting the temptation to peek at the roots every 10 seconds. Does that make you an idiot? NO. Just a concerned orchid grower that loves her plants.  But just like with human children you sometimes need to step back, stop the pampering and let the 'chid do things under reduced supervision.
Please don't leave!
I know you didn't which is why I'll leave for a while until my brain works properly again, as I wrote; I take everything the wrong way at the moment so I should stay away.
I also forgot to mention that it was mostly Magnus A's post I reacted badly to, since I already have such a bad conscience and am berating myself over it, a post like that gets me very down (I'm good at getting myself down so I really don't need any outside help). And no, it is NOT Magnus A's fault (how the heck should he know that I'm extra sensitive at the moment?), it's just me taking things the wrong way.
And since I'm so new when it comes to Paphs in general and roths in particular, I had no idea that they were SO slow; a member of ST mention his/her roth growing two roots in one year. It's one thing to hear/read they are slow and actually be given some time references. Also, My Michael Koopowitz confused me even more since this guy is thriving and getting more and more new root nubs and I forgot that hybrids are generally more vigorous that species in the Paph world so this had me even more worried about Mr roth.
As I wrote, I'll come back when my heads screwed on right and I can function properly with fellow humans again, so I won't be gone for good and it might not even be a long while.