Originally Posted by TiffanyP
Thank you very much for the info. How long should my Zygo blooms have lasted. I feel like they could've done better. Especially the second spike. It only made it about 2 weeks. I could've done better. I am gathering also I need to invest very quickly in a fine bark? I am seeing from all the help that pbulb orchids for the most part like fine grade bark. All I have is Phal based medias
I don't grow Zygos so I don't know what media they do best in but not ALL orchids with psuedobulbs like fine bark. Actually a lot of orchids with pbulbs wouldn't do very well in fine bark. For example, Cattleyas would not do well in fine grade bark. They need a coarser mix that dries out faster.
Originally Posted by TiffanyP
I have read in several books that rain water is great! I can't imagine it not being beneficial unless its progressive huntin no way am I a Zygo expert. Love them and want more but I need more education on them. I have heard rain water is the absolute.best. Even heard catching and saving it for waterings is amazing too. Only what I've read thought.
I don't think they were saying rain is bad for your plants. I think they meant that having the plant rained on would allow water to sit in the leaf axils and could cause rot in the growths. You also can't control the water your plants get if they are unprotected from the weather. If it rains a lot, your plant could stay too wet and get root rot.