Originally Posted by littlefrog
......... Bamboo is cheap too, but I don't like the green ones. The dye gets all over the place.
I can relate to the dye getting all over the place (let alone the splinters) and that is why I have taken to disposable gloves. The serious advantage to green stakes, plastic covered or bamboo, is the "blended" appearance they give to the plant.
As a fellow judge, I am sure you consider the importance of not letting anything distract from the flower itself in judging and in the potential award photo. Ask your region's photographer what he/she thinks of natural bamboo stakes.

In a photograph they stand out like a sore thumb if they get in the frame. Our award photographer here always asked me if it was OK to disconnect the inflorescence or move the tie so the stake would be out of the frame of the flower he was photographing.
Just one of the finer points in staking an inflorescence.
Cym Ladye