I received this dendrobium helix hybrid two days ago as a bare root seedling. It has little black spots on the stem and leaves. And mushy spots also. I checked the roots before I potted it up yesterday and they looked ok, but it arrived with the spots!
I came home from work today and one of it's leaves had dropped off! There aren't really many leaves to loose!
If anybody knows what might be wrong and how I can treat it?
I don't want to try everything but the kitchen sink because I worry I will drown it that way.
Also, I should add, although the pot looks big, the plant had massive amounts of roots. I actually had some tiny terracotta pots sitting ready but I couldn't fit the roots in!
Last edited by Reneelb; 05-25-2012 at 10:03 PM..
Reason: Fat typo fingers!
Definitely spray with fungicide. I would also put it in a more coarse media mix. If it was growing in rocks before you got it, the roots were acclimated to a free draining media and something that fine might start to rot the roots. Just my opinion. Someone else will tell you theirs also. Good luck. It should be a nice antelope hybrid. Den. helix is very hard to find. I haven't been able to locate one yet.
i agree, the fine mix is keeping the roots too wet causing fungus.....use a chunkier mix, and try putting it back in terra cotta, that will dry it out too....gl
Right, so fungicide chunkier mix, terracotta pots. Got it! Thankyou!
Quick question will the roots have trouble 'leaving behind' the terracotta when comes time to move the plant into a bigger 'condo'? Hehe! As in what will i do if the roots grip?
Josh, this one is called 'dandy dame' and it is a cross between a helix and lasianthera. It looked stunning in its 'glamour shots'.
Quick question will the roots have trouble 'leaving behind' the terracotta when comes time to move the plant into a bigger 'condo'? Hehe! As in what will i do if the roots grip?
I recommend wetting the roots thoroughly. That will not solve everything, but it should help tremendously.