A couple more rescues (and practicing posting pics)
Hi all. Just practicing posting pics. A couple more rescues. I'm trying to figure out how to put a pic on and then write something about it, put in another and write something. Just pass me by if it bores you. But here goes......
hmmmm. That didn't work. How do you write text between the pictures?
Oh well. The last one is a rescue but it didn't help!!!!
Pic 1 is a nice fat bud on a noid I've had for a couple years now. Finally got rid of the black rot.
Pic 2 is a catt fidelensis x tenebrosa "cabo frio" being grown in lava rock which I have found works great. Everything I put in it grows very well and I can water more often which means more growth and more food.
Pic 3 part of my cheap greenhouse in the backyard.
Pic 4 the other side
Pic 5 just an old rescue. Now you know who to cuss at or throw darts at or whatever....
Last edited by james mickelso; 04-05-2014 at 11:43 PM..
Your makeshift greenhouse looks great!! Seeing your climate, a proper greenhouse would just be a waste of money. The orchids certainly look happy in there.
As for posting pics interspersed text, I think you'll have to put your pics up on a website like Flickr or similar, then copy-paste the link that should be somewhere there that allows you to imbed photos directly into a post.
__________________ Camille
Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....
Your makeshift greenhouse looks great!! Seeing your climate, a proper greenhouse would just be a waste of money. The orchids certainly look happy in there.
As for posting pics interspersed text, I think you'll have to put your pics up on a website like Flickr or similar, then copy-paste the link that should be somewhere there that allows you to imbed photos directly into a post.
- to all of the ablove!
You can also upload photos to your Orchid Board gallery, and it will give you links you can paste into your thread
Thanks folks. I'll read some more here and figure out how to load pics to a gallery. I'm new at this cornpeuwtor stuff. Can build a house without plans, tear apart an engine and put it back together correctly, and a lot of other stuff. Cornpeuwtors stump me. Go figure. But thanks.
Thanks Josh. I'll try it that way. I'll keep this email handy and try it. I have a catt that is about to bloom and have a story to tell about what it has been through to get it like this. So thanks. You play ball? Hard/soft? Where? A team or rec team? I used to play but shoulder surgery killed that past time. Still surf occasionally. Keep playing.