Originally Posted by catweazle1962
i was advised that the plants we have now that was easy to look after
Be aware that some of the members here who have had
actual experience with growing a Promenaea, including me, will most likely advise you that a Promenaea is
not the easiest orchid to look after.
And as I've either implicitly or explicitly mentioned, there are far easier orchids to grow. You may find that some people who have or had a Promenaea in their collection at one point or another will tend to disagree with the advice given to you by this anonymous person to some degree. While Promenaea is
definitely not the most difficult to understand or grow amongst the group of orchids closely related to orchids in the genus Zygopetalum, in general, they are
not the easiest orchids to grasp an understanding of how to grow them properly.
Also, be informed that while Beallara is the easiest of the 2 orchids you have, some may or may not consider this orchid the best orchid to start with if you've had no prior successful attempts at orchid growing.
While I do generally tend to agree that overall Phalaenopsis is not exactly the easiest genera of orchids to deal with - again, imo, there are far more easier orchids to grow than Phals. There are some species or hybrids that are generally considered far easier to grow than others. Of those species of Phals that are the easiest, I have already listed them. Should you give the ones I mentioned a try, I have a strong belief that you would be much more satisfied with the results of your choice than previous.