Yes .. it might be a bulbo - a few have a the nasty rep of being stinkers ...
If you provide a photo - we might be able to id it for you.
Usually with most stinkers, they last a few days after they bloom - the odor is to attract carrion flies to pollinate it reproducing the scent of rotting flesh.
You can put it outside - but I don't know what it is and what your conditions are at this time. You could purchase a glass bell jar and cover it over the days it's 'fuming'.
(I wouldn't suggest too long a time as all orchids need air circulation, I don't think a few days would hurt and I'm sure it would be more tolerable for you
Here are some sites for bell jars or cloches
Glass Cloche Bell Jar
NOTCOT: Bell Jars
Good luck
This came after your response of Dtps