james mickelso |
05-13-2012 05:57 PM |
Reed stem epis. I used to have nearly every color but when I moved I lost most of them. Gave them away. My dad had the orange/yellow colored back in the 50's planted in the ground for years. He has most of the colors now but they aren't doing well. For epis I mean. He's 90 and doesn't get out and take care of them like he used to and I haven't the time. Mine are in bloom right now and have been for the last 4 months. Tall like Bud's. I also have another epidendrum from Panama. My dad picked it off a tree when transiting the canal when he was in the navy. 1950. I have them now. I have about 7 potfulls and they bloom every year like clockwork. It's epidendrum ciliare and is very fragrant at night. I have two planted on my backyard palm tree. Each inforescence has 11 flowers on it. Not real showy but intensely fragrant.