I have an orchid that someone gave me as a gift. I had never owned one before but really liked it, so I re-potted it and kept it. I've always wanted to grow orchids, as my grandmother has many on her back patio that do very well, but I've never had an appropriate place to do it. This plant has just been sitting on my balcony, getting morning sun and shade the rest of the day. It is quite warm here in FL, so I'm afraid i may be overheating it by leaving it outside, even in the morning.
I have no idea what kind it is.
Current substrate is orchid moss with stones in the bottom for drainage purposes. I keep the substrate moist.
Let's see.. it's just now getting blooms after being dormant for over a year. Don't know what the flowers will end up looking like in terms of size and quality as of yet.
like there are some dead parts of the plant that need trimmed/pruned/what-have-you. The leaves are also an interesting purple color, but I don't think that's necessarily the color they're *supposed* to be.
The section where the blooms are coming in is sticking straight out from the plant. It looks a little ridiculous!
I've attached a couple photos of what the plant is looking like... Please advise! I would love to get more orchids, as I'm moving into an apartment with great windowsill space on the eastern side. But I would love to breathe new life in to this one if at all possible.
I feel like I need to know more about them first, which is why I am here. Thanks in advance!