Hi All,
2 years ago I posted pictures and asked for some help with a Phal in seriously poor condition. It was about $1 from Walgreens and I'm the type of person that feels obligated to save poorly treated plants. The little phal I bought had one "acceptable" root left after I'd repotted it after purchasing. Over the last two years it's grown 4 more roots, that for the most part are in pretty good condition (one or two are kind of iffy). It's grown two new leaves and I thought it was time to mount it.
It's still really small, and the bloom spike refuses to grow back since I cut it two years ago. I suppose that's due to a lot of things, but my main concern is keeping it in good health and growing more roots - I can concentrate on blooms later. I only used a small amount of sphagnum moss on the cork mount since it's not very big. I am just curious if it is mounted correctly on the cork. I'm not sure if it's oriented correctly, facing the proper way, etc. Also I'm not entirely sure how I should be watering it. Dunk it in water or mist with a spray bottle? I'd read that after mounting I shouldn't water it right away. The roots are dry; the last time it received water was last night before it was mounted. I used fishing line and a piece of twine to keep it from drooping over.
I'm very proud of how far it's come over the past two years, but now I feel just as lost on how to care for it as I did when I bought my first phal. I mounted it because I really feel that it's best for it; I never liked it in a pot.
Anyone who could redirect me to an appropriate thread or offer advice would be greatly appreciated. Unfortunately I'm not the most forum savvy so the search button doesn't usually work to my advantage. I apologize in advance if this has already been a topic covered.