had lots of fun at the OS this year again
. you should volunteer to intake plants at least once in your life for an orchid show. I volunteered twice already.crash course in whats what and whats not what you thought it was but is what it was now before they changed it the last time someone had a thought.
the Paph Deperle Alba went out with a 3rd place ribbon.
if it hadnt been so dark in there it would have gone home alone. bloom fell off the monday after...Oh well I got it there!!
A big Dendrobium spectabile. blooms look like the tiny little octopus you find at the buffets. taste about the same too I bet..
this flower was blinding and nice smelling too
beautiful baldans kaleidoscope
I got 1 blue and 1 white for my masdys and the northern sun was pulled for AOS judging..no AOS but they looked at it
I bought a blooming size c. walkeriana 'Perfect Blush' and a large division of schomburgkia splendida var.cauca to go along with my encyclia odoratissima
this is the walkeriana...
he had one the same size with 2 blooms opened and this one had 2 new growths. I opted for new growths