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Old 04-18-2012, 01:39 AM
Carpe Diem Carpe Diem is offline
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Trying to post pictures Female
Unhappy Trying to post pictures

Finally I took a look at my camera and put my new found knowledge to work, taking pictures of my blooms. First try=bad pictures. I wanted to post them anyway and started on Mission Impossible. Got as far as My Album and started uploading. Out of 10 pictures I was successful with 6 - or so it said. However, I can't find the pictures anywhere and now have a headache to boot. I still have the pictures in the camera and if at first you don't succeed....... After I'm over tonights disaster I'll have another go at it. Of course it would help if I were computer savvy.
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Old 04-18-2012, 01:44 AM
silken silken is offline
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Check this out and it should help.
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Old 04-18-2012, 07:36 AM
Carpe Diem Carpe Diem is offline
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Trying to post pictures Female

Thank you silken, I'll give it another read, but for now it's off to work.
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Old 04-18-2012, 10:23 PM
WhiteRabbit WhiteRabbit is offline
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let us know if you still need help
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Old 04-19-2012, 11:09 PM
Carpe Diem Carpe Diem is offline
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Trying to post pictures Female

Thanks WhiteRabbit! I have not made another attempt yet, I'm still to discouraged. I'm trying to post the pictures via Windows Live Photo Gallery, and I wonder if that could be the problem. More likely I am the problem. Both spikes on my Psychopsis Kahili are blooming and I wanted to show off.
Correction: Kalihi

Last edited by Carpe Diem; 04-19-2012 at 11:13 PM.. Reason: spelling
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Old 04-19-2012, 11:12 PM
silken silken is offline
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Do you have them in a file on your computer? If so just browse for them from there. I myself don't like this Windows Live system. It just did an upgrade and wiped out all my contacts and set me up as a new user! I had to restore the computer back to a previous point in time to fix it
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Old 04-19-2012, 11:33 PM
Carpe Diem Carpe Diem is offline
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Trying to post pictures Female

Do you have them in a file on your computer?

I don't think so, silken. I am such a dunce when it comes to computers I do know about resetting to a previous time though, had to do that too more than once. OK, I think I'll skip the Windows live, I don't need that kind of trouble. I'll try again when I have a few uninterupted hours. Thanks for the help!
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Old 04-20-2012, 12:54 AM
WhiteRabbit WhiteRabbit is offline
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I'm not familiar much with the windows live, but do have an account, so I'm checking it - see if I can see how to share pix from there

If you uploaded pix to windows live - did you upload directly from a camera? Or were the pics first downloaded to your computer?

woot! got it!
actually - I searched for an answer - but those didn't seem to work for me (but if you want to try posting pics from skydrive - Windows Phone Forums at and How to link images directly from SkyDrive)
I did not have a 'properties' option when right clicking the photo, tho I am using Chrome rather than Internet Explorer

Either the folder or the individual photos you wish to share need to be 'public' - I don't know if there's an easier way to do this ? I right clicked on the folder, or photo I want to share, and select 'share' from the drop down menu. Choose 'get a link' on the left hand size of the box that appears. Choose 'make public'. This will make a link appear, but the link didn't work for me when I tried to use it, but did make the photo 'public'.

What finally did work for me was to then close that box, returning to the photo, clicking 'view original' (from menu on right), which opened the photo in a new tab. Then, left click on the URL at the top to highlight it, right click for a drop down menu and choose 'copy'.

Now, back at Orchid Board, above the box where we type text, click on the button for image (it's on the bar directly over the text box, a bit to the right of center; a square with yellow background shading and what possibly resembles mountains.) A box will appear to enter the image URL, simply right click in the space, then choose 'paste'. Then click 'OK'.

Another option - maybe easier ? - you can download your pix from skydrive to your computer. When I do this they go directly to my 'download' folder. You can then post your pix as attachments to your posts directly from your computer using the 'attachment' button above the text box (looks like a paper clip with a little down arrow next to it). When you click on this a small new window will open, click 'choose file', another window will open allowing you to browse your files. Find the folder (in my case this would be 'downloads' folder), open that, find the photo you wish to attach and double click on it. If you want to attach more than one photo, go down to the next 'choose file' and repeat. When you have all you wish to attach, click the 'upload' button. It may take a couple of minutes, depending on the photo size and other factors. It will say 'upload complete' in that box when it is done - then you can submit your post when you are ready.

If you think your pix may be on your computer, look for a 'photos' file, or possibly 'downloads' file.

You can also try downloading from your camera to your computer if you didn't already. Usually when I connect my phone to computer (or insert the memory card from my camera into computer - my camera is old and not compatible with my computer, so I just pop out the card, and insert it directly into computer. My phone I connect with a USB cable) - In either case, my computer asks me what I wish to do - I choose 'open to view files', other options are to automatically download, or view using installed photo software. So, I choose 'view files', and then copy and paste the selected photos into whichever file on my computer I choose. I have a 'photos' file, and then you can just use that, or make sub-files for different dates, subject matter, or how ever you care to organize.

Hope this helps! If not, please let me know - we'll get you posting pix!

Last edited by WhiteRabbit; 04-20-2012 at 02:02 AM..
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Old 04-21-2012, 01:25 PM
Carpe Diem Carpe Diem is offline
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Trying to post pictures Female

Yes, I uploaded directly from the camera to windows live. I will try to follow your detailed instructions and hopefully manage to accomplish something. Thank you for your time and effort, trying to teach a computer illiterate.
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Old 04-21-2012, 01:46 PM
WhiteRabbit WhiteRabbit is offline
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I'm not the best at explaining things - hope you can follow it, and hope it works for you. I don't know why the easier instructions I found online didn't work for me. Perhaps they do for you tho (I hope!)

Something else you can do - after making the photos 'public' on sky drive, and going to 'view original' - you can 'copy' the URL (click on the url to highlight, then right click on it, choose 'copy' from the drop down menu - then on OB, above the text box, choose 'insert link' (the blue ball with the link), paste (right click in the box, choose 'paste' from the drop down menu, click 'ok' - that will put the link to your photos in your post, rather than the photos themselves, but we will be able to go view your photo on skydrive.
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