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Old 04-23-2012, 12:06 AM
Im Just Saying Im Just Saying is offline

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Wow I couldn't help but cringe watching that... I would be hesitant to do that to my 'chids, right now I can only hope that one day mine will be that big.

Out of pure curiosity I would have like to see what the roots looked like on that particular phal in the video update, as we know that the leaves and flowers don't tell the whole story alone :/
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Old 04-23-2012, 02:12 AM
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You are correct Bob. There are thousands of bonsai that are over a hundred years old and have had their roots cut many times. Same thing can be done with orchids. Cutting off roots does no harm to the orchid as long as it is done correctly. Just because an orchid has a great root system, there can be times when it isn't doing it any good and can actually be detrimental to it. I sometimes get phals and other orchids that have such extensive root systems that the plant is in bad shape because it is too leggy. Better to cut off the extra roots than let it continue to deteriorate. The plant will grow just fine given good cultural care. My reason for writing what I did was to let who ever wants to try it that it is ok. Hence the bonsai analogy. In their natural setting, orchids go through many trials. They lose roots and leaves and still survive. We can learn from their natural tendencies and use that knowlege to keep them healthy. On the bonsai theme, look up a guy named Masahiko Kimura and see the extraordinary things he does with bonsai. It will amaze you. As for orchids, I have started trying to wire flower spikes just like I did with branches on my bonsai trees to get them in a different position to better accentuate the beauty of the flowers. If it works I will post pictures. If it works I know I will have the orchid world beat me up too. But change can be a good thing.
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Old 04-23-2012, 02:50 AM
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I am sorry James, but that is the most ridiculously preposterous thing I have ever heard!!! As little as I know about bonsai, I know that the roots and leaves are regularly trimmed to keep the plant small and to develop its shape to the growers desire. Orchids are not bonsai, and if you were to ask any real orchid grower what the key to a healthy orchid is, they will most likely tell you that a large, healthy root system is the key. To even give notion that having too many healthy roots is detrimental to the growth of an orchid is absolutely absurd!!! Growing an excellent root system in a pot is what every grower strives for, and now your trying to say we can throw that out the window cause too many healthy roots can hurt a plant? This is the kind of absurd information and thoughts that I will meet and destroy if there is no truth to it, so no one will be mislead.

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Last edited by FairyInTheFlowers; 04-23-2012 at 03:02 AM..
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Old 04-23-2012, 03:55 AM
Wynn Dee13 Wynn Dee13 is offline
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Cody- You are being way too narrow minded. James isn't saying that it is better to cut off EVERY orchids large root system. He is saying in SOME instances it is necessary and can help the plant. Not every plant with a large root system has a GOOD root system. This is what I have been trying to get accross. Not EVERY orchid is the same when it comes to repotting. You are acting like we are telling every person that reads this to hack off all their orchids roots. I am not recommending that. I was only saying that it is not unheard of to take drastic measures sometimes in orchid culture like the German lady showed in the video.

As far as you destroying "absurd" information that has no truth to it so new people don't get mislead, how do you know there is no truth to this method? You are only going off of what you have learned and I bet you know a lot more about orchids than some people twice your age but being 16 I would say you still have a lot to learn. I mean people who have grown orchids for 35 years still are learning. I'm still learning. Open your mind and remember there is more than one way to do things in every aspect of the orchid world.

I really enjoy your enthusiasm in the world of orchids and I think you are a great asset to the orchid community. I wish more of the younger generations cared about orchids as much as you do!

Last edited by Wynn Dee13; 04-23-2012 at 04:02 AM..
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Old 04-23-2012, 05:02 AM
Shinnok Shinnok is offline

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Originally Posted by Wynn Dee13 View Post
Cutting roots is nothing like ripping a persons intestines out! Come on! Orchids aren't human! They are plants! They can't feel there roots being cut off. I think that statement is a little too dramatic! You guys act like orchids are newborn babies or something. They are strong vigorous plants. If they were not then they wouldn't be the biggest flowering plant family there is. Let's be a little more realistic here. You are comparing cutting orchid roots to murdering someone! That is ridiculous!!

All my orchid books recommend cutting the old leafless stem off when repotting a monopodial orchid that is growing that way. I didn't make that technique up I learned it while reading about orchids. I'm not someone that just bought their first orchid and doesn't know anything about them. I have been growing orchids for years and I am not the only one that has said that this is a perfectly fine thing to do. Everyone has their own way of growing orchids. If you don't like my way then don't grow your plants like I do.
I am and i am trying to learn, About getting bigger pot, I have a couple which is really big and I can't find bigger pot. I maybe living in Switzerland but that don't mean I have means finding bigger pot and etc. Besides She was trying to Save the plant. Did you guys actually Notice that the Leaves on it was really Shabby???

Ps: before finding this demo video... I actually bought bigger Ceramic pot and still hoping that my Phal will grow cause i didn't know about this...
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Old 04-23-2012, 06:06 AM
Wynn Dee13 Wynn Dee13 is offline
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Originally Posted by Shinnok View Post
I am and i am trying to learn, About getting bigger pot, I have a couple which is really big and I can't find bigger pot. I maybe living in Switzerland but that don't mean I have means finding bigger pot and etc. Besides She was trying to Save the plant. Did you guys actually Notice that the Leaves on it was really Shabby???

Ps: before finding this demo video... I actually bought bigger Ceramic pot and still hoping that my Phal will grow cause i didn't know about this...
Could you post some pictures of your orchids that you need to repot? That would help people give you advice on what to do with your plants. If you really can't fit all the roots in the biggest pot you can get, you can trim some of the long roots off. But it would be better if we could see some pictures of the plants first.
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Old 04-23-2012, 06:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Wynn Dee13 View Post
Could you post some pictures of your orchids that you need to repot? That would help people give you advice on what to do with your plants. If you really can't fit all the roots in the biggest pot you can get, you can trim some of the long roots off. But it would be better if we could see some pictures of the plants first.
It have been repotted, i personally think it's too big anyhow please advise on what you see.




This one looks like it spiking

My very first mini phal lol haven't bloom since 2009.

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Old 04-23-2012, 06:58 AM
Wynn Dee13 Wynn Dee13 is offline
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They look good to me. Very healthy. They don't look over potted or potted too high. From what I saw of the roots they look fine. The plants leaves are supposed to be that big. What is too big to you? The leaves? Or the roots? The leaves are not going to get smaller. When was the last time they were repotted? From what I see on your pictures and if the medium isn't decomposed I would leave them be. To get them to bloom you might want to try more light or give them a cooler temperature for a few weeks. The drop in temperature usually makes them spike. I don't really know what you mean about them being too big for you.
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Old 04-23-2012, 07:40 AM
Shinnok Shinnok is offline

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The Phal on the ceramic pot. i think the pot look too big. I am aware if they are big is fine. I have yet to repot them since i got them. I only repotted the one on Ceramic pot. They have been sitting near my window i kept my windows open at night. Now keeping my fingers cross as 1 of them look like it spiking.

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Old 04-23-2012, 11:26 AM
Call_Me_Bob Call_Me_Bob is offline
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Originally Posted by Shinnok View Post
The Phal on the ceramic pot. i think the pot look too big. I am aware if they are big is fine. I have yet to repot them since i got them. I only repotted the one on Ceramic pot. They have been sitting near my window i kept my windows open at night. Now keeping my fingers cross as 1 of them look like it spiking.

Your plants all look very healthy! Well done!!

As for pot size, the size of the pot should be chosen according to the amount of roots. You should find a lot that is slightly larger then the root mass and that allows for 1-2 years of growth.

Without seeing how many roots the phal had when it was unpotted, then I cant really say if the pot is too large or not.
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