I think only you can tell how often it should be watered, because it depends on your conditions, potting medium, roots conditions, pot size etc.
I grow all my phals in straight sphag and clay pots, but still don't have a schedule and check each of them separately to see if it is ready to be watered.
I let the sphag to dry out completely through and when I am not sure if it should be watered now, I wait for another day.
Thanks for the info about re-potting plants in sphag every year. I didn't know that after just one year they will no longer be good. I have quite a few Phals, and Miltonias grown in sphag mixes. And usually there is a green film of moss on them just after a few months.
I wanted to add that with sphag the amount of water you use is also something to watch for. With the phals I have in sphag I use a combination of bamboo skewers, how crunchy the top layer is, and what color the roots are to tell when to water. Once it is time to water I usually use no more than what would fit the top 1/4 of the pot between the base of the plant and the lip of the pot (requires some guestimation as the water doesn't sit on top while your pour haha). It doesn't seem like much but the sphag disperses the water really efficiently and mine dry within a 10-14 day period. HTH and good luck!
some good ideas to consider, thank you! i have ordered some new pots and they should be coming in the mail shortly. they are proper orchid pots.
i will try the idea of mixing a bit of sphagnum moss in with the bark.
to be honest, the sphagnum moss is kind of intriguing to me. i have heard a lot of bad things about it, but i am almost tempted to try to grow an orchid in one just to see how it works out , but i just love those mini orchids so much i would not want to lose one!
This is my mini Phal in shagnum/bark mix. It is planted in a shallow bowl. The mix isn't packed in tightly. It shows some healthy root growth.
Pictures of NOID regular size Phal in the same type of mix. Root growth quite healthy. One of the leaves show some previous damage. After all this is a rescue from a discarded flower arrangement.
Oh wow flex your orchids look very healthy! Thanks to you all for your excellent advice ! I finally got my pots today and repotted.
Let me tell you, I was shocked at how much sphagnum moss was stuffed in those little containers and the roots looked cramped and unhappy ! I think I got to them just in time ! They are now happy on their new pots with for bark! Thanks every one !