Originally Posted by Leafmite
So, concerning calcium, what do you do with crosses where one parent loves calcium and the other doesn't?
I also share water between my orchids, now. Saves quite a bit of money, time and effort. My water goes through a water-softner as it is very hard so it is useless for my plants. I have to buy water when the dehumidifier or clouds don't provide enough. When I was very careful and not sharing water, I lost seven orchids to black rot and realized all these diseases can spread in other ways, anyway. The new orchids are watered seperately but the others have had plenty of time to infect each other.
That's a good question, and one I've been pondering about myself... So far I haven't managed to order a hybrid where one parent is calcicolous and the other isn't, but I have ordered a Paph. purpuratum and it can be either calcicolous or not so I have no idea what I'm supposed to do with it; add oyster shells or not?
All I can think of is that one has to experiment and see which trait the Paph has inherited from which parent, and hopefully the Paph won't die in the process.
Since I do have soft water I will be adding Ca and magnesium as soon as the Ca is available in the stores, this because, if I've understood correctly, they need a bit of both chemicals to thrive. It will be interesting to see how the chids will react to it.