Just purchased my first Orchid... I love them... I have seen a couple in person this year and decided to bring them into my home from now on... I am a beginner with these little gems so I want them to have a fighting chance with me...
I purchased a Leopard Prince yesterday and I would love some input on care for her... water, lighting, fert. etc...
I would treat a dtps like a phalaenopsis
Click here for the OB's care sheet for some basic information - http://www.orchidboard.com/Phalaenop...ure-Care-Sheet
I hope this helps ..
You can also use the search option for past threads - read read read and if there are any other question - please ask
Sounds like we've got ourselves a new addict in the neighborhood! Wonderful!!!
Dtps is, as Dorothy says, to be treated as a Phalaenopsis. Check out the suggested culture sheet (care sheet) and take a look through our Phal or Beginner forums
There's plenty of information available.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask
Welcome to the board! I'm sure you'll be bringing orchids home compulsively in no time! Dtps. get the same care as Phalaenopsis, so you can check out the culture sheets on those. My own personal advice: Keep in the brightest light you can without direct sunlight, very lightly mist them about once a day, air movement is a huge bonus, and when you aren't SURE about whether you should water, wait one more day. Good luck!
There's no escape! You are now infected with the most contagious disease in the world! Watch your
bank balance shrink as you compulsively fill you house with orchid after orchid after orchid....................!!!!!! IT@S BLISS! Welcome aboard!