Mount or Re-pot?
Hi all! I got my first orchid back in February. It had already begun to bloom. It is a beautiful noid phal that I have been doing my best to keep happy. So far I seem to be doing well by her. Recently her blooms have began to fade, but I have new root and leaf growth! From what I have read, I think this is a normal growing cycle for this girl so I have decided to go ahead and re-pot after the final bloom falls. I've seen some info on mounting orchids and I would like to try it, but I would love some opinions on this vs simply re-potting this type of orchid. I have not examined her roots, she seems to be healthy and I was afraid to mess with her until I learned more. She is currently in a 6" clear pot, 100% sphag moss meduim but from what I see she has lots of nice roots and some aerials as well. Her ninth leaf is growing well, and I am under the impression she is several years old. Do you think a plant that established to pot culture would adjust comfortably to a mount, and what is the prefered method of mounting this type of orchid? Any and all advice would be much appreciated!