I have a Blc. and a Potinara orchid which I got a year ago. The potinara was a rescue and sick. Its grown two new psuedo bulbs and leaves. The Blc. also has two new growths on it. After doing some research this morning I am wondering if I should move them to another window. They are now in a NE window and get about an hour of morning sunlight a day. I can move them to a more easterly window where they would get 3 or so hours of sun a day. Since these have Cattleah in them should I give them more sun to get them to bloom? The Blc. was blooming last March (2011) when I got it, has not since. The Potinara was a rescue and has not bloomed yet. I spray them daily in the morning, fertilize about 2 X a month with miracle grow orchid food, they are in clay pots, the potinara has a medium bark mixture and the Blc. has a small bark mixture. Your help and comments appreciated!