It looks suspiciously like it has a bacterial infection. I wouldn't put it in anything. If that is an old flower spike, cut it off. If it is a new flower spike, definately cut it off. Get it out of the spag and if you want to put it in a media right away, chose one that is dry. Course bark for now or even medium grade but don't water it a lot. Remember that phals grow on top of tree branches in nature and don't have any media at all. There is a gentleman in the San Diego Orchid society who wires phals on their sides into slat baskets hanging on their sides without any media and just waters them daily in warm season and sparringly when cool. No media at all like vandas and they grow wonderfully. The plants are on their sides and so no water sits in the crown to cause any rot. But as far as I can tell from the picture, your phal has either a bacterial infection or a fungus. It can recover but it needs to be warm and dry. Just mist the roots daily and keep it arround 70-75 degrees. It will recover.
Last edited by james mickelso; 04-08-2012 at 11:12 PM..