There is no described form of cornu-cervi known as vini. This is important because anyone can put any name they wish on something that is not documented. I wouldn't trust someone like that as far as I can throw them.
There are three red forms of cc that are described and are in commerce.....rubescens (reddish-brown with barring showing through), sanguinea (red but shows some lighter coloring and barring in the proximal, inferior lateral sepals), and chattaladae (completely red as in the picture linked in the post above).
I personally have questioned the existence of chattaladae except as a culturally controlled color of sanguinea. If you look up the convoluted history of chattaladae it appears suspect and at least one of the two collected plants on which the description was based later bloomed as sanguinea if you can believe internet evidence (which is always suspect).
Buy yourself a chattaladae and expect to get a sanguinea and be happy. Don't fall for cute marketing names.