This is my first attempt to post on this forum. I attempted to attach a picture as well that is a phalaenopsis that has two spikes. These two spikes have an abundance of nodes/branches. I am a newbie and I am wondering if I need to do a little maintenance work?!?
If the photo attaches, you will see that most of the nodes are blooming or attempting to bloom. I look forward to input...
I am a newbie myself, but here is my opnion. It looks great. As long as the blooms are still there and nothing is brown. I wouldn't do anything to it. But the leaves look a bit wilted to me. Could be just me though.
Jemchinney hello and welcome to OB there are some great resources on this site. Ending phal abuse is a good place to start. Also there are culture sheets here as well. Start with reading up on them and if you have any questions the peeps here are really helpful. Goodluck! Also that is a beautiful phal you have there