Shopping list suggestions for RHS London Orchid Show?
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Shopping list suggestions for RHS London Orchid Show?
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Old 03-15-2012, 12:46 PM
Rowangreen Rowangreen is offline
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Shopping list suggestions for RHS London Orchid Show?

I'm off! Yay!

Feel free to bet on what I'm coming back with!

More sugestions also welcome: my ticket for tonight includes re-entry on another day *G*
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Old 03-15-2012, 04:14 PM
quiltergal quiltergal is offline
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Be prepared to drop a very large wad of cash on fredclarkeara After Dark. Fred doesn't give those away!
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Old 03-15-2012, 06:26 PM
Rowangreen Rowangreen is offline
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Shopping list suggestions for RHS London Orchid Show?

Yes, beyond my budget I think! Didn't see any anyway, in fact no catesetums that I spotted.


First of all I couldn't resist Burnham Nurseries 5 for £20 offer on little orchids, especially as they had one I really wanted! I think I have a mix of minis and babies here!

Maxillaria Variablis
Prosthechea (formaly Encyclia *G*) Cochleata
Prosthechea Radiata (yes, I ended up with two!)
Epidendrum Peperomia (I'll have to look that one up!)
And a mystery lycaste

I did get to sniff a lycaste aromatica specimin plant on another stand: amazing! Didn't see any for sale, so I'm hoping mines one! All I actually know is it's a species, but there were a few lycaste hybrids on other stalls, and they seemed to generally smell good, so hopefully it will be a good buy whatever it is!

Hopefully I won't have to many years to wait to find out!

I was going to leave it at that for the day, but then I spotted a label with a picture of Adaglossom Summit 'French Town'... it's pretty distinctive: Cambria type with brown flowers and an orange lip! (Only ever seen it online I should say...). Anyway, looked closer and it turns out the plants were Brassadastele Senne Orange: Brassada Mivada X Summit. Mivada is orange with brown markings and a cream lip. The plants are seedlings not clones, so another mystery! Apparently those that have flowered so far have been a mix of shapes/colours/patterns though all with orange somewhere! Plant has 3 pbulbs, but small compared to my other cambria types, so I think it's going to be a while...

I think Saturday I might get myself one big/flowering plant. I didn't think much of the zygos I smelt, which is a shame, as they do look good. I'll give them another go at a different time of day, as none of them smelt strongly! There were a few Colmanara Masai's around, but I suspect they might be sold by Saturday! Loads of dendroniums in flower, so I may end up with one! Burnham also had Maxillaria Tenufolia out of flower, so might yet get one of them!

Will take pics of my purchases at some point: camera out of batteries! I'm thinking of NOT taking my camera on Saturday. I'm sure they'll be other pics on the web, so maybe I'll save my camera card...
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Old 03-15-2012, 07:26 PM
Discus Discus is offline
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Shopping list suggestions for RHS London Orchid Show? Male

Epidendrum peperomia is often called Epidendrum (or neolehmannia) porpax; it seems to have been mis-identified a lot. Great little plants, mine was considered "best miniature" at this evening's EPOS orchid society meeting.
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Old 03-16-2012, 06:27 AM
Rowangreen Rowangreen is offline
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Shopping list suggestions for RHS London Orchid Show?

Wow, congrats on your win! Looking at pictures I think mine's got a ways to go: it's only a couple of 'branches'.

I looked up the Senne: I guess the reason the label said 'Orange' was because it's likely to be orange! It's actually RHS registered as Brassostele Senne Stern, stern being German for star. Since I've advertised Burnham, I'll add it came from Roellke (who registered it end of 2010) and cost £12.50.
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Old 03-18-2012, 12:35 AM
Pelepel Pelepel is offline

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Shopping list suggestions for RHS London Orchid Show? Female

Fabulous job with the green hornet. You shall not regret it. Like I said, it simply blooms like a weed. Didn't get the memo they renamed it. Haha. Maxillaria Tenufolia is a great orchid. It truly smells of the tropics. Maxillaria schunkeana is an even more awesome form because it's this crazy shade of black. Hard to come by for me.

And Prosthechea Radiata smells like vanilla if I am not mistaken. Lovely. Great choices!

Last edited by Pelepel; 03-18-2012 at 12:38 AM..
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Old 03-20-2012, 01:08 PM
Rowangreen Rowangreen is offline
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Shopping list suggestions for RHS London Orchid Show?

I don't think mines actually a Green Hornet, just a 'common' Cochleata!

Anyway, here's pics of my Thursday haul... (more pics of the show etc to come later...)

All together
Brassostele Senne Stern (The biggest pbulb seems to be not mature....)
Prosthechea Radiata (nice new growth!)
Prosthechea Cochleata
Maxillaria Variablis (variety black, so will look a bit like Schunkeana I think!)
Epidendrum Peperomia
Mystery Lycaste
And a Cochleata in flower on the Writhlington School display (with seedpod bottom right. And I don't remember the colours being so bright: I think the camera may have brought them out)
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Old 03-20-2012, 10:10 PM
Rowangreen Rowangreen is offline
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Shopping list suggestions for RHS London Orchid Show?

I have LOTS of photos, so they are going up in batches.

First, a few shots of sales sections. Generally the vendors had a sales section and a display, next to each other so they were all mixed up.

This is actually only a few of the vendors, there were loads! One notable stall was from (I think) Japan and was selling Lycaste hybrids, starting at £150 each (I think that would be about $300 US). They got a commendation for one of their display plants and apparently afterwards they were asking £1000 for that. I really should have taken a picture... Most had loads of different types, though some specialized to a certain extent, eg mostly phals or terrestrial orchids.

Photos are:
A South American seller (I think there were a couple, one of which was Eucagena, not sure if this was them!)
Laurence Hobbs with piled Vandas!
Two of Writhlington School's stand
Burnham (my 5 cheapies came out of the tray at the front: it was jam packed on Thursday!)

(Arggghhhh.... Sorry, they won't load right now. Grrrr. Will try again tomorrow... Sorry to be a tease!)
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Last edited by Rowangreen; 03-20-2012 at 10:28 PM..
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Old 03-20-2012, 10:30 PM
Rowangreen Rowangreen is offline
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Shopping list suggestions for RHS London Orchid Show?

Had a last go and pics are now in the last post...

More tomorrow!
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Old 03-22-2012, 06:30 AM
Rowangreen Rowangreen is offline
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Shopping list suggestions for RHS London Orchid Show?

Right, I think I'm making progress on sorting what I'm posting! Still way too many, but hoping people will enjoy!

One I wish I'd got a better pic of!
Writhlington School: the dendronium top left on the stall won best specimen in the show
A terranium display. This stall also had information on orchid anatomy and pollination
Burnham I think
Writhlington again: some of the teenagers also did an amazing talk on their greenhouses (they have several for different zones), trips abroad and how they helped set up a lab in Laos to help the local people and provide an alternative to wild collection
And another one I liked...
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