Thoughts on fertilizer.
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Old 09-14-2007, 09:08 AM
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Thoughts on fertilizer. Male


The GreenCare Orchid RO Water Special is the original MSU formulation. The "Well Water" version also exists for folks that don't have a pure water source.

Many of the minerals used to make up fertilizers are VERY water absorbent, so if the package has allowed air entry, don't even consider using weight as a measurement.
Ray Barkalow, Orchid Iconoclast
Try Kelpak - you won't be sorry!
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Old 09-15-2007, 11:13 AM
John John is offline
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Thoughts on fertilizer. Male

Hi Ray Thanks for the reply. Have you or do you use this fertilizer? Next week is the Chicagoland show and I plan to ask a few of the growers what they are doing.

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Old 09-15-2007, 02:36 PM
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Dave, thank you for starting this thread and putting the energy into "dissecting" it, to make a clearer picture of the whole fertilizer question! Thank you too for the "expert "comments and recommendations from Ray & others!. Super thread ! Merci beaucoup !
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Old 09-15-2007, 02:55 PM
Dorothy Dorothy is offline
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Maybe Marty can make this a sticky ..? ..
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Old 09-15-2007, 04:13 PM
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Thoughts on fertilizer. Male


I have been using the Greencare MSU RO formula at every watering for 4.5 years, and am very happy with it.
Ray Barkalow, Orchid Iconoclast
Try Kelpak - you won't be sorry!
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Old 07-21-2008, 02:25 PM
newbieatwork newbieatwork is offline
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Thoughts on fertilizer.

Ok... I've tried to understand the whole ideal of this thread but still kinda clueless, pherhaps I just got interest in orchids and went out and bought a phal without thinking how much work it is involve to keep it alive and healthy. I'm using 7-8-6 formulation (1 teas mix with one gallon of water) once a week to soak my orchids as my watering method.

My question to the pros here...

Will this formulation adequate enough to keep the orchid alive and rebloom? The water is just tap. I don't know what RO is (Reverse Osmosis?) Please tell as much info as possible. I want to do it right. I've read many other websites on how to take care of the chids but very limited information and many are the same info.

When I finish soaking the plant in the container with the mix fertilizer and water. Can I reuse the water a week later or can i use it to mist it daily?

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Old 07-21-2008, 04:42 PM
Ross Ross is offline
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Originally Posted by newbieatwork View Post
Ok... I've tried to understand the whole ideal of this thread but still kinda clueless, pherhaps I just got interest in orchids and went out and bought a phal without thinking how much work it is involve to keep it alive and healthy. I'm using 7-8-6 formulation (1 teas mix with one gallon of water) once a week to soak my orchids as my watering method.

My question to the pros here...

Will this formulation adequate enough to keep the orchid alive and rebloom? The water is just tap. I don't know what RO is (Reverse Osmosis?) Please tell as much info as possible. I want to do it right. I've read many other websites on how to take care of the chids but very limited information and many are the same info.

When I finish soaking the plant in the container with the mix fertilizer and water. Can I reuse the water a week later or can i use it to mist it daily?

Ro is Reverse Osmosis, that is correct. Most of us use this term because of the home units availabale, but collected rainwater (in most areas) and steam distilled would be equivilants. The idea is that the water contains no hardeners like calcium. Plants need some of this, so that formulation adds then chemicals back into the mix. as to "keep the orchid alive and rebloom" Mine have been doing way better since this regimen than before. Not to say that there will never be a stragler that refuses to grow or bloom, but in general, I would say a steady diet seems to be best for most of the species I choose to grow under the conditions I provide them. Please re-read that last sentance. My conditions may not be same as yours. Be careful of joining the bandwagon because it sounds so great. Be sure you have duplicate conditions, then, I would say, you will have success. Good luck.
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Old 07-21-2008, 05:03 PM
JennS JennS is offline
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What is steam Distilled water?

I fill up a couple of gallon jugs and some 1 liter and other large water bottles and leave the tops off. I have heard this helps evaporate the chlorine and maybe some other things out of the water? Some of them just evaporate over a day and some longer. Is there any point to doing this? I use those bottles everyday to water the vandas before I head to work.

As for fertilizer, is it possibly harmful to use a variation of fertilizers? I ended up getting a new one as a gift and I have just been alternating them. They have different number mixes, but similar ratios. I have had extremely good growth out of my Bulbo., Vandas, and Brassia this year. However, I don't know if it's the new fertilizer, me actually doing it weakly (twice a week for the vandas), or the combination of the ferts that is helping?
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Old 07-21-2008, 06:29 PM
Ross Ross is offline
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Originally Posted by JennS View Post
What is steam Distilled water?

I fill up a couple of gallon jugs and some 1 liter and other large water bottles and leave the tops off. I have heard this helps evaporate the chlorine and maybe some other things out of the water? Some of them just evaporate over a day and some longer. Is there any point to doing this? I use those bottles everyday to water the vandas before I head to work.

As for fertilizer, is it possibly harmful to use a variation of fertilizers? I ended up getting a new one as a gift and I have just been alternating them. They have different number mixes, but similar ratios. I have had extremely good growth out of my Bulbo., Vandas, and Brassia this year. However, I don't know if it's the new fertilizer, me actually doing it weakly (twice a week for the vandas), or the combination of the ferts that is helping?
Distillation evaporates the water molocules then condenses them back to liquid form. This process leaves behind all the dissolved minerals like calcium, iron, etc. Leaving a jug of tap water open overnight simply gases out the chlorine. The hard minerals are left behind. Leaving water even longer simply concentrates the hard stuff even more. In most parts of Florida, the ground water contains high amounts of iron, and possibly sulphur, which remains in the water you leave overnight. Steam-distilled gets rid of these contaminents and this water is used in steam irons, sometimes coffee makers, etc. where buildup is a problem. It is available in just about all grocery stores where the bottled water is sold. R.O. water uses a different process (a micro-fine membrane which removes the dissolved solids) but results in the same sort of "pure" water. Water softeners remove the undesired contaminants like iron, but substiture sodium (salt) which is harmful for plants and potentially to humans if consumed in quantities. A best-case scenario for a home would be a whole-house softener which feeds into a R.O. unit large enough to supply all the drinking water and plant water one would need. I have a 30-gal per day unit and am installing a 60 gallon per day unit for the plants plus emrgency use (like when the grand-kids are here making coolaid )

As for fertilizer, the best source of info I know is here -> Plant Nutrition Ray is a member here.
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Old 07-28-2008, 05:01 PM
JennS JennS is offline
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Thank you for the great response Ross. I am sorry I took so long to reply, but I could not remember where this post was and just found it. I was wondering if there is some way to steam distill at home? The 'chids seem to grow well with what they have now, but if I could help them out anymore without breaking the bank by constantly buying distilled water then I wil. As for a softener, I rent, so I am not thinking about doing anything like that at this point. Probably will when I do buy a house though.
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fertilizer, roots, solution, volume, water

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