That's some nice roots you have there. Your second Phal looks healthy and with very nice looking flowers to boot.
I got recommended in a thread where I asked about stimulating root growth that I should use KLN for this purpose. I think if it's easier for you to get a hold on KLN that you should go for it.
As Mutant says, That Phal has a lot of healthy roots. Just remove anything soft and mushy. It's good you are re-potting as they don't like to grow in fine broken down media. I know in the U.S. ST is in Walmart etc. but I have never found it in the same stores here so you may be wasting your time. K-L-N is considered good for root issues with orchids. ST has some hormones and other stuff (secret recipe) and if you over-use it you can have growth anomalies so K-L-N is a good choice if its easier to get. Good luck!
Oh I'm really glad to hear it has good roots, and I was relieved when I took it out to see that.
I trimmed up the roots a bit and put it in the new bark, I'll use the roots to gauge when I should water again.
Yeah it will be easier and faster to get the KLN, I think I'll go with that.
Thanks so much for all the help with everything!
& thanks for the luck both of you
I place thin bamboo kebab skewers down into the bottom and centre of most of my pots. Then when I think its time to water, I pull it out and see if it is wet or dry. I use this as a gauge to determine if it needs water. A pot can feel pretty light and still be wet at the bottom and in the centre. Then I carefully replace the skewer into the same spot so I don't stab roots every time. It works and they are inexpensive!