It is about 70 in my house. Do these like the sun? I have a rather large sliding glass south facing door so I can put it on the dining room table so it is in bright light (not in the direct sunlight).
Generally speaking, they do like bright indirect light. I have mine in a south window and the love it. During the winter, it's practically full sun too.
It looks over-potted to me. Most Dens. like to be under-potted in a pot that the roots will just fit into. If not, there is a danger of keeping the media moist for too long. Bottom heat might help this one.
I agree that the pot is big but I had it in a smaller pot and it tipped over because of the weight of the canes. It is going to be in the mid to high 70's this week and it will have some outside time. I am really hoping this one does ok. I have the keiki to pot in the coming weeks and I thinking about using packing peanuts and bark as a medium......I tried this on another orchid and it did really well.
The main plant died but I did take the keiki and potted it in has a really nice green color and is doing well. Once I took the keiki the main plant died quickly.
Update: the main orchid died but I have a keiki. Now after some time I have a new cane growing. I potted the new den in rocks and it seems to really like its conditions.
Update: the main orchid died but I have a keiki. Now after some time I have a new cane growing. I potted the new den in rocks and it seems to really like its conditions.