Camille, it's a Beth Cox, which to my understanding has the majority of cooler growing mixes in it.
I had it quarantined for a while because I suspected it might have mites. It was in a room that got the lower end of light required for phal's, but it was not enough to generate the moisture/condensation on the inside of the vase which is important apparently for this kind of growing. So, I moved it back to it's original window after about 5 weeks in quarantine and being fully satisfied the mite issue was gone. As a side note, I tested the leaves that fell off with a white tissue and got nothing.
When I checked the roots yesterday, I did lift it up a bit as I felt it might have been a bit too far down due to sinking over time.
The vase culture method I adapted from
this thread. I did not have enough supplies to do the exact method described by RJSquirrel.
I think I did that about 4 or 5 months ago and it was just as happy as could be. No signs of trouble at all. However, the masdie I had sitting next to it had many issues. A major part of it's leaves started turning brown/block in spots - dry, not wet. I really felt at the time it was because it was getting way too much sun and was burning the leaves. It has since produced new leaves in this spot and has not experienced the same issues.
It may be that it's staying too wet. When it was in quarantine, I watered it once a week. When I took it upstairs I noticed it seemed to dry out much quicker since it was in more light. Perhaps that was the issue. Perhaps I need to refrain from the urge to water using this method.
---------- Post added at 07:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:40 PM ----------
As a side note, the masdie neighbor immediately next to it is also a cooler grower. It's Zieglar's Love (spelling I am unsure about).