I'm worried about the Phalaenopsis equestris aurea that came together with my P. equestris rosea and P. schilleriana.
The woman I bought it from told me the that the vendor she had bought it from had kept it too wet, thus some of it leaves were floppy. She had re-potted it and gotten it to start recovering during it's stay with her and then it ended up in my inexperienced hands. She told me to be careful of over watering it since it had been suffering from this before and I thought it wouldn't be a problem (I'm an expert on giving flowers too little water after all
I've now had it for a week and have already watered it twice because the medium has looked so dry (no roots are visible unfortunately, they're all hidden by the medium). I watered it yesterday because it started to feel even more floppy than usual and after a couple of hours some of the leaves had regained their relative firmness. But now two of it's lower leaves have started to turn yellow...
I really don't know how to treat it. I want to check the condition of the roots, but I've only had it for a week so it feels like it's too soon and a bit like an overreaction.
In some ways I wish the woman had kept it until it had recovered completely before I bought it. It feels like she had too much confidence in my ability to care for Phals and I really want this one to survive (it's such a big and gorgeous looking aurea!). I would feel very ashamed if I destroyed what she had accomplished to do with it.
Help, please?
I've now uploaded some pictures and also removed it from the pot which was extremely easy due to it not being rooted at all.
The roots appear to be in worse shape than I imagined - I need to remove a lot of the dead roots.
Then what? If I had some root hormones I could use that, but I don't. Put it back in the same pot? Personally, I would like to put it in a smaller pot since the one it has now is too big.