Hello again all,
This is somewhat of a continuance from a previous thread of mine. Here are four Phals that I rescued from a Walmart that all came home with severe root rot.
I trimmed most of the dead when I replanted, but left some marginal roots (many were good shape in the top 1/2 of the root, but then had a break with some rot, and healthy root below the break). I considered these roots alright to say, since the bottom section looked healthy and without rot. Since, I have un-potted again to check and many more sections of the marginal roots have since began to rot as well.
I again removed the rot and am about to re-pot the Phals. And was seeing if there is any last minute advise or help for me. Note, I had each phal in sph. moss.
Phal in pic #1 has done well and have sent 4 new roots out, along with growing new root sections off the roots that have survived. I think I will replant this in sph. moss.
Phal in pic #2 lost most roots except for 2 aerial roots, but has recently sent out anther root. I will most likely put in sph. moss again.
Phal in pic #3 is the newest one. No new root sprouts that I can see at the moment. I'm not sure if I should try a bark mix or not for this one.
Phal in pic #4 has a few "good" roots still (they are dormant roots, as they do not have good tips and no longer grow), and a few root sprouts coming from existing roots. Also wondering if I should try to use bark instead of sph. moss. The tricky part with this phal is that all the roots are growing horizontally from the top and none that go down, so stablization will be pretty fun for it.
Any questions or comments are welcome, as I am new to this, and believe I know what I am doing, but still struggling with the effects of the previous root rot. If you need additional info let me know. Thank you!