Could someone tell me if any of these flowers wouldn't tolerate Georgia? Here are some of the orchids I want to grow: Dendrobium bellatulum
Rodriguezia decora
Cattleya Warneri var. albescens 'Santa Teresa'
Cattleya intermedia var. Orlata
Cattleya violacea
C. labiata 'Sherwood Forest'
Phal. lindenii
Aerangis splendida
C. mossiae 'Campogrande'
Phalaeno formosana varigata
Tolumnia guianense
Den. laevifolium 'Salmon'
Phalaphrodite var. formosana
Myrme cophila brysiana
Laelia anceps 'boulder'
Den. chrysotoxum
Epidendrum hygomedinae
Paph. delenati
Aerangis mystacidii
Den. sulcatum
Den. mohlianum
Chilochista lunifera alba
Blc Pink Diamond x Lc Alexis Sauer.
Aerides lawrenceae x Ascda Peggy Foo.
Cymbidium Wallamurra 'Jupiter'
---------- Post added at 01:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:14 PM ----------
Originally Posted by tucker85
I don't think that's enough information. Are you talking about a flower stem that is broken? Or could it be an old flower stem that was cut off and produced a new branch? Are there flowers on the stem? If you're talking about a flower stem with flowers, it's probably attached to a stake. The stake should be enough support for the stem. I've never heard of taping a stem. Often if they're broken badly you'll need to wait for a new spike to grow. That may not be until next year.
Thank you. I know that a picture would be best but i'm waiting on that(camera) too. There's only one spike and it's broken about one inch from the base of the plant. -and yes there are flowers. Hope that cleared it up. So I take it your advice is to let it be? Thank you.
---------- Post added at 01:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:26 PM ----------
Originally Posted by Val
Perfect choice!
The stem doesn't really matter. Just make sure your Phal is thriving, and it will bloom for you again and again.
Thank you! I was mainly worrying about the overall well-being of the plant. Now I can breathe again.