I had a similar problem to your with mine about a year ago, I had it in a basket with bark mix and the pbulbs were drying up and shriveling. I mounted it with a bit of spag and it has done a complete turn around & lots of new growth. I spray or dunk once every day or 2. Have attached a pic of mine, good luck.
I've got two of these (a standard red flowered one and a yellow flowered one). One is mounted and grows like crazy and does really well for me, the other is potted in bark and struggles more and I never quite feel comfortable. It does OK, but I feel more comfortable with the mounted one.
Having said that neither of them have flowered for me yet, but that could just be a case of time or some other problem.
Thanks for all the replys guys, i think i may just leave it in the cocohusk now, ive been giving it a bit more water though as the last few days have been very warm.