This thread is what actually drew me to Orchid Board since I have this plant and I was curious about it. Back in March 2013, I took one of my Onc. splendidum to my orchid society meeting and used it as a demonstration on 1) why you should regularly repot an orchid, and 2) how to separate such a large specimen into divisions of smaller plants. This plant, which was over ten years old had been divided into five parts. I kept the newest end and gave away the other four. Knowing how large this plant gets, I did not have room to keep the other four.
This plant was one of four plants that I divided 15 years ago. I bought the original plant in 1975 from an orchid vendor in South San Francisco. It was on a bargain table of small seedlings. I lost the original tag but I remember it well: Oncidium Splendidum "mule ear" specie. It was $24.00. It had three mule ears, the tallest one was a foot in length. I remember the lady at check out congratulating me on finding such a bargain as some of the larger plants were over $200.00. (I thought to myself: Who would spend that kind of money on a plant?) She told me to be sure to give it lots of bright light and when it blooms in January or February to be sure to stake it as the flower stalk can get over three feet.