Originally Posted by kavanaru
indeed a very tall spike... but I am sorry to say that this is not Oncidium splendidum...
Yes...from the responses I've received about this plant, I now understand the difference in leaf structure in this plant versus some of my other Oncidiums that do have the "mule ear" style leaves as previous mentioned by msaar, that this isn't a Splendidum.
As I previously replied, I posted the species name in reference to the handwritten tag I had received with the plant. I had "assumed" the plant guy I got this from knew what he was doing...but obviously not! I should have known better by now to trust his orchid knowledge if he thought a Cattleya was a Phal. LOL
I wish I could remember the color combination of the flowers...but I have too many orchids (is that an oxymoron?

) and therefore it's so hard to remember what each plant's flowers look like. I had this glorious idea to take pictures of the flowers on each plant when it bloomed and make laminated picture plant tags to go with each pot...but obviously that never happened or I would have been able to post a picture of the flowers!
In doing a quick Google search for "oncidium splendidum", thinking that perhaps the "splendidum" reference was a pseudonym/nickname for this plant species, I did find this link:
Smith College Botanic Garden Plant Images The center plant appears to have flowers closest to what I remember it looking like when it last bloomed...and has similar leaf shapes...and what looks like very long spikes/inflorescences...Or did these have been the brown and white flowered one???...

Obviously I have to continue to be patient and wait for this silly thing to bloom...