Never heard of using sulphur dust, but I guess it would be ok. People usually use powdered cinnamon. Plants very rarely get infected through a cut stem, so I don't think it matters what you use, if anything at all.
__________________ Camille
Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....
I use garden sulfur quite often since we can't get fungicide stuff here in Canada. It should be fine but cinnamon too is often used. Don't use cinnamon on the roots tho Or just a dab on a cut end at most because it has a very desiccating effect. If I have to cut a pseudobulb (on other orchid types) where the cut is below or at ground level I put sulfur on it.
Flowers of sulphur (sulphur dust) is quite commonly used here where you would use cinnamon, particularly after cutting plants. It seems to work quite well. It's quite cheap too, I got a bucket of the stuff for next to nothing, would hate to know how much that much cinnamon would cost! OTOH, cinnamon smells nicer