So I have this HUGE Epi. Cinnabarinum, and it's a little out of control, I'm fine with that. However, when I was moving it the other day, trying to get to another plant, I broke off a kieki. It's rather large, and I'm wondering what do I do with it now? How should I treat this?
Here's a picture, The roots come up to my elbow and the growth itself is pretty large... Suggestions?
When keiki's break off on mine i usually pot them up and give them as a gift to my gf or good friends of mine. I soak the roots in water for half an hour to make them green and flexible. Then i pot them into a small (in your case maybe a bit larger) pot with a medium bark mix with perlite and charcoal. The orchid mix you buy at Home depot.. If the roots are long like yours i swirl them around the pot and water after they are completely dry. The roots are usually coming out of the bottom of the pot within a month along with some new growth.