well whatever language its origins...its still bastardized latin...or wanna be latin...that they RHS is doing:
Ray is right...no matter what research you do in correct classic Latin: the English speaking world will still insist on their own pronounciation...
but I want my name pronounced as I grew up with...I was in Tokyo and they have a weird way of saying my name and I am deeply disturbed(they called me "bood"...
so I make it a point to listen to the person how to say their name and then I mimic it to the correct accent and syllables...
I hope for your psychological health that they never name a genus for you. Budia would almost certainly be pronounced by nearly everyone as BOOD-ee-a.
I know exactly what you mean. "Bruce" is seemingly unpronouncable in any language but english (although french-speakers do a reasonably good job). Bruceara would invariably end up being pronounced BRUCEY-ara.