I got this orchid yesterday, and I saved it from a Nursery that wasn't real skilled in Orchid care. Between me and a friend of mine, we took home about 10 orchids in all. They were mostly Phals and, but this one, I hate to say this, but I'm not THAT skilled in identification. What is this?!
I have done a root inspection and it's in pretty bad shape from a root standpoint, I ended up trimming all but 2. It had a ball of moss in the roots and it was just all rotted away. From the upside, it has new growth and doesn't look too bad off. For $2.00, I'll Take It!
Just need to know what it is, so I can give it proper care. Not looking for anything more than what family it goes in....
Thanks in advance...
I am more than likely going to take the pot down in size, this was just all that I have to stick it in right now.
Any help is appreciated!