I took a 10-day vacation last year and it was the first time that I didn't have to have someone come over to water the orchids for me.
For the orchids that needed to be watered every day (tols, mounted orchids, random water-loving houseplants), I bought a cheapo pump system that clips onto the side of a plastic 5 gallon bucket (like this one
Automatic Plant Watering System with Bucket). It's a blunt instrument and poorly made - you couldn't use it year-round, but for a week or two here or there, it sure does the trick. These orchids / plants went in the sink and on the drying rack and the bucket with the pump sat on the counter. It took about 30minutes to set up and test, but then the whole system was on auto pilot. All of these plants looked good when I got back - they were well watered and no worse for the ware.
For the orchids that only need to be watered weekly or twice a week - I gave them a good soaking the morning that we left and then put them in gallon Ziploc bags with a damp paper towel. I only closed the bags half way, to allow some air circulation. For the orchids that didn't fit, I either put the bag upside-down over the orchid (so that the open end of the bag faced the ground) or I put the pot in the Ziploc bag and let the foliage stick out the top. This way each orchid had its own moisture-retaining plastic enclosure. I was a little worried about fungal issues - but committed to the experiment. I set the thermostat for 65 and left. I'm happy to say that when I returned, everything looked great and there were no fungal issues! Some of the seedlings phals looked better than when I left them!
It was a labor-intensive set up (for 40-50 orchids), but I didn't loose or damage any orchids... so worth the effort.
- J