Possible pseudobulb rot?
Part of the largest pseudobulbs on my Iwanagara Apple Blossom has a really light green color to it...almost so light...it looks like a highlighter green/yellow color, and almost feels soft in that particular spot to me. I am sure I know the culprit of this problem as I am assuming it is rot, but I could be wrong. I am sure (know) the roots are dead (rotted and dried out) on this beauty, as it is one I transfered into s/h about 4 months ago (when I first started with s/h) and didn't wait for new root growth before transferring it. At the time it had new leads growing (it this is the correct terminology) about an inch long so I thought it might be okay, and it had just finished blooming. Assuming this is rot, I am not sure what to do as the two new growths are growing from/near the base of this pseudobulb, and to remove it, I am sure I would have to remove the two new growths as well. Perhaps I should just wait and see what happens? I am really surprised that these two new growths have not put out new roots yet, I know that is the only thing that will save this 'chid. Today I did see the first sign of a tiny little root popping out as well. I guess my only questions is, does this light green area sound like rot? I thought that the p-bulb would shrivel from lack of roots, not rot. TIA!