I have been browsing the pictures to see what everybody is doing with their orchids, and I keep on seeing orchids potted with what looks like tiny light brown balls. What are these balls? What types of orchids are they good for?
Rachel those are LECA (Light Expanded Clay Aggregate) used mostly in hydroponics. Orchid enthusiasts are using them with a method called semi-hydro. See the thread with that title.
I have the majority of my plants in a type of LECA called Aliflor but I am not doing semi-hydroponics.
I prefer it because it doesn't break down and is much cleaner and easier to deal with.
All the plants love it but I have my Bulbos and Phal species in sphagnum moss...the Cyms are in plain bark.
I plant my catts in the leca with a little spagnum moss mixed in. They really like it because it is quick drying. I use it mixed with a lot of spagnum and a little leca for my phals. I have one phal that I grow semi-hydro in the leca and it's very happy. I like it. Brenda
That sounds pretty neat! I'll have to try it out sometime. All I have at the moment are five happy phals. If it's not the best for them, I think I'll wait a while before trying it out. I'm a firm believer of getting at least a little good at something before moving on to something else!
Rachel, if you want more info on leca and growing orchids in semi/hydro go to Welcome to First Rays Orchids. It's also on the spondors link on the menu. Ray has a ton of great information on there! I have a couple of my phals growing in s/h and they seem to like it so far.
I have just started experimenting with S/H growing. I repotted some Paphs. that were growing poorly in coconut husk. I think my main problem is mineral buildup burning the new roots when I use tap water.I washed the roots off well and potted them in LECA. The clear slotted pots were placed in a large plastic tray and about 3/4 inches of DI water with 1/4 strength fertilizer. I refresh this and back wash each pot once a week. All of the Paphs. are sending out new roots! I'm excited about this method. I got all of my supplies from First Ray Orchids.
Last edited by sschneider; 08-22-2007 at 10:47 PM..
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