PLEASE HELP! First Orchid I am killing it :(
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PLEASE HELP! First Orchid I am killing it :(
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Old 12-18-2011, 03:55 PM
Jackirko Jackirko is offline
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PLEASE HELP! First Orchid I am killing it :(
Unhappy PLEASE HELP! First Orchid I am killing it :(

So I have just recently gotten into houseplants because we are an Army family, and a lot of people move and do not want to take their plants with them. So I have inherited a few from friends. One friend had been sent a phal from her husband over seas and she thought she had killed it and was throwing it away. She took it out of the pot to keep and when she threw it in the trash I noticed that it had some very healthy roots. Not to mention there was still a bloom and three large healthy leaves. So I told her she was crazy and took it home. I replanted it and it seemed to be doing okay, but then slowly began to look poorly. I decided I should look into how it needs to be cared for and only then did I realize how difficult to care for and delicate these plants are!!! So I made it my mission to get this baby back to good health, but am failing miserably and at this point I don't know it there is any hope
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Old 12-18-2011, 04:04 PM
Rowangreen Rowangreen is offline
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PLEASE HELP! First Orchid I am killing it :(

Don't panic! They aren't that delicate!

Is there any chance you could post some pictures: especially of the leaves, base of plant and roots?

Also what did you plant it in?

Also you'll find lots of information in the 'phal abuse ends here' thread at the top of the beginner forum.
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Old 12-18-2011, 04:13 PM
Jackirko Jackirko is offline
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PLEASE HELP! First Orchid I am killing it :(

I will post a picture now thank you!!
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Old 12-18-2011, 04:18 PM
Jackirko Jackirko is offline
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PLEASE HELP! First Orchid I am killing it :(

PLEASE HELP! First Orchid I am killing it :(-1218111406-jpg

PLEASE HELP! First Orchid I am killing it :(-1218111406a-jpg
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Old 12-18-2011, 04:27 PM
Jackirko Jackirko is offline
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PLEASE HELP! First Orchid I am killing it :(

While taking the picture I notice this new growth of a leaf from the leaves... and there is white on the surface of the soil?

---------- Post added at 02:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:20 PM ----------

Shamefully I used soil from another plant instead of getting it's own and then some from outside! yeesh I should probably get some good healthy soil.

---------- Post added at 02:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:23 PM ----------

The bloom wilted off, but then I thought that it was getting another bud but it just started to look like a green bean that has been sitting out too long. I cut the stem thingy at an angle as I read online, but it is no longer green... more of a gray color and hasn't grown at all in about 2 months.
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Old 12-18-2011, 04:34 PM
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Welcome Jackirko!
Nice of you to take the plant to save it! Orchids aren't as delicate as they are said to be, and are actually quite tough, if you know the basics of culture.

First of all, you need to repot it ASAP into an appropriate medium. Phals grow up in trees in nature, so what we plant them in needs to replicate those conditions: lots of air flow around the roots, and dries fairly quickly. That's why orchids are generally grown in bark based medium. So I recommend that you find a good bark mix (not stuff that has lots of fine particles in it - I believe miracle gro mix is really bad in that respect). The bark needs to be left to soak at least over night before use, otherwise it dries much too quickly in the first couple months.

Second, the pot you have it in is much too large. You need to chose a pot in which the roots will snugly fit. Why? A big pot with few roots in it won't dry out very quickly in the center, leading to root rot.

A new leaf is certainly good news, and the plant looks otherwise healthy, so I'd guess that there are still some good roots down there.

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Last edited by camille1585; 12-18-2011 at 04:36 PM..
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Old 12-18-2011, 04:35 PM
Rowangreen Rowangreen is offline
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PLEASE HELP! First Orchid I am killing it :(

First thing, you definitely don't want soil. Phals naturally grow in trees with their roots exposed. The purpose of putting them in pots is to keep humidy round their roots (without them being soaking wet), but whatever they are in needs to allow more air than soil does. There's various ways you can grow them, but simplest is in bark or a bark mix made for orchids.

Still the plant does still look pretty healthy!

I suggest you get some new medium. Take the plant out and give the roots a bit of a wash, but post a picture of the roots before you re-plant it. It will be fine with it's roots out for a while so you can get advice on how the roots look and what to do about it. They can actually be grown fine with the roots exposed as long as they get misted: that's how they grow in the wild.

When you are washing/watering don't leave water in the crown (leaf bases): in the wild they also hang upside down so water doesn't naturally gather in there!
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Old 12-18-2011, 06:06 PM
Jackirko Jackirko is offline
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PLEASE HELP! First Orchid I am killing it :(

Thank you so much I will take all of this great advice and I will take a picture of the roots when I take it out later and post it.
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Old 12-18-2011, 08:17 PM
Nanook 2010 Nanook 2010 is offline
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PLEASE HELP! First Orchid I am killing it :( Male

Don't worry, I've been trying to kill a few myself! The correct medium is essential....they sell a good mixture at Home Depot or Lowes, and its pretty cheap. I have even used pine mulch too (but don't tell some of the more advanced members

Just wash it off good before repotting and easy on the water... I am a overwaterer!

Good luck and I hope you join our addiction!

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Old 12-19-2011, 12:45 PM
Jackirko Jackirko is offline
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PLEASE HELP! First Orchid I am killing it :(
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Okay so it was slim picking in the garden department, but I was able to find a medium mix designed for orchids so I went ahead and paid a little more hoping it's worth it.
I got a much smaller pot and very cheap due to the season. So I soaked the mix over night and I rinsed roots. There were several that the outer layers were soggy and just slide right off (I guess too much water). The upper most roots were green and healthy looking, but not very long. I think I was drowning them in that soil and over-watering. But let's hope this provides some results and I will keep posting progress and learning. Thanks everyone.PLEASE HELP! First Orchid I am killing it :(-1218111742-jpg

PLEASE HELP! First Orchid I am killing it :(-1218111743-jpg
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