Nectar?  And other Phal questions
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Old 12-29-2011, 11:30 AM
silken silken is offline
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Originally Posted by NYCorchidman View Post
The sap formation is normal and I believe it is most likely a coincidence that you have sap and bud blasting at the same time. Check to see if there are anything that might cause blasting. cold/heat draft, temperature fluctuation, moving the plant around too often, ripening fruits nearby, too much sun hitting the buds...

One of the phals that are spiking in my apartment now has a few sap on the buds, but the buds are getting bigger and bigger everyday.

Once flower spikes are produced, the plant will normally do all it can to make flowers. For example, even if spikes accidently breaks off, the other node will wake up and grow out to make buds. It is most likely something in the environment that are unfavorable to the plant.
I agree. I have never lost buds on a phal once they have developed on a plant in my home. However, bringing one home in the winter has more than once caused me to lose a bud or two shortly after the trip in the car. I have cymbidiums with big full spikes (2 of which are fully open now) and every flower has a drop of nectar on the stem where it connects to the main flower stem and also behind the bud where it connects to its own individual stem. Not one of them has blasted.
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Old 02-02-2012, 02:09 PM
cythaenopsis cythaenopsis is offline
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Nectar?  And other Phal questions Male

Well, this turned out to be a bad sign...

This phal had a sordid history. It went through a period of suffering from root rot. I thought it was on the mend though, given all the growth. But... I should have heeded advice and switched to bark. Apparently the moss was packed a bit too tight and root rot started again.

My Phal looked so terrific and full of promise, more flowers than the last time. However, just prior to blooming, it stopped. For several weeks, the buds had no growth. A couple were quite big, looking like they were ready to pop. But nothing.

Then... one of the buds started changing color. Over the course of a week, it turned to a very bright purple. It was dying.

So, I pulled the plant. Sure enough, the roots were rotting again.

There are 8 buds just waiting to bloom, but now another is showing signs of changing color. I guess this bloom cycle is going to abort completely.

Any advice? Should I pull all the moss and just let it air out completely? Is there any hope?
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buds, couple, home, phal, plant, questions, nectar

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