Originally Posted by Orchid126
Wow. I have a very nasty lung infection that has been identified as Pseudomonas. It requires a full month of inhaling antibiotics four times a day, and even then it comes back after a couple of months. Almost impossible to get rid of. Can't imagine anyone spraying it all over the place.
Like Erythrone says, there are many species of Pseudomonas, it's a very broad and complicated genus. There are species that infect animals, and others that infect plants, and yet others that are beneficial soil bacteria, which are the ones cultured and used as abiocontrol agent. So there is no harm in spraying, other than the smell!
At the university where I work there are some limitations on the Pseudomonas strains that we use in research on plants. Any strain that has optimal growth between 36 an 39°C (human body temperature range) is forbidden as there do exist risks of human infection.