I routinely peel away the dried pseudobulb sheaths of all my cattleya alliance orchids. This removes any hiding places for mealybugs and increases surface area on the plant for photosynthesis to take place. However, I don't touch the sheaths protecting the developing buds or spikes.
Chryss, I love your cordata. It is frilly looking.
I also take the plant sheaths off of the catts and others, but do not mess with the flower sheaths. I just wasn't sure about the drying sheaths around the growths on the ones with the nodosa-like leaves.
Wow, Thank you for the pictures Tdt and Merlyn. Now I know what to look for!
Mine is on the sunny window without protection. Good to know about sheaths.
Thanks again!
Congrats on the spike! My B. Grand Stars (which is from the same compot as Tdt's) has one growth with the plants first spike that did have a bud that blasted, but is working on another bud. It also has another lead in sheath, and two other leads that will probably grow spikes.
You have a spike!! My Little stars is spiking now as well. the sheaths on mine are quite long. last year they bloomed from green sheaths, this year they are dried sheaths im anxiously waiting for the flowers!!! The fragrance is the best! i should have 8 spikes this year!!!