So the spikes I posted earlier, they turned...hollow. And now there's a third forming on the same phal.
the newest growth.
weird spike #1
weird spike #2
Could this be what a keiki looks like when it's just starting? Or do some phals just make these odd looking spikes? I've only ever rebloomed a phal once before, and in that case the spike started growing from the base, rather than from an old spike.
Could this be what a keiki looks like when it's just starting? Or do some phals just make these odd looking spikes? I've only ever rebloomed a phal once before, and in that case the spike started growing from the base, rather than from an old spike.
The new spike normally comes out of a leaf base every year, but many phals will also grow additional spike growing out of an old spike if left uncut.
Some phals will also grow plantlets off the flower spike as well.
Yours will like the beginning of new baby plants.
Let them grow and then when they have enough roots of their own, you may sever them from the spike and pot them up individually.